Shah Rukh, Priyanka Chopra the hottest pair!!

The duo will co-host an awards show apart from appearing together in multiple endorsements in the coming year

Shah Rukh Khan and Priyanka Chopra are the most sought after pair these days. They have been approached to co-host a major awards show and both have agreed to do it.

Apart from this, they've also been approached to do five endorsements together. So expect to see SRK and PC starring in a series of campaigns and commercials in 2012. Currently, they are in the midst of deciding which endorsements to give the nod to.

A source who has made one such offer says, "They are definitely one of the hottest jodis in the market right now. Last year, PC and Shahid Kapoor were the hot pair and they teamed up for a series of coffee advertisements. Now, Shah Rukh has replaced Kapoor. Also, Shah Rukh was seen in a series of print and television commercials for a home decor brand with his wife Gauri last year."

Interestingly, the Don 2 pair has been offered ads together in the past but they've turned them down because they weren't interesting enough. Now, with the sudden interest taken in their pairing by the public, SRK and PC are getting offers they are excited about.

While they've been on many public platforms together to promote their upcoming film, the pair is definitely most wanted for their chemistry. Which is perhaps why a last minute role was added for her in SRK's home production RA.One as well.

So far, SRK has hosted awards shows with Karan Johar and Saif Ali Khan. This is the first time he will be teaming up with one of his leading ladies. Says a source, "It was SRK's idea to get PC on board. A few years ago, she had hosted the same awards show and imitated Shah Rukh's character in My Name Is Khan. He was very impressed with her talent and thought they should host the show together in the future."
