Well guys few days back ShahRukh Khan shared the latest Ra.One poster with us right, with ShahRukh Khan & Kareena Kapoor in it, and the latest poster is being praised by everyone. The poster is very impressive and getting the attention of many people around, including the once so called FACELESS people on various C grade bollywood websites, basically let us tell you about these people, these people are jobless in real life and then they come to internet and become FACELESS idiots who don’t have anything do , they keep trying to find the fault in someone’s creative work.
And these *BEEP* faceless people will see someone doing something new and creative,they cannot take it because they hate it seeing someone doing something good due to darkness in their real life , there is not fun in their real life , nothing, and finally these people find the happiness on internet by doing cheap things for example – A new poster comes from Ra.One and these *Beep* people will open google.com and will search for every possible movies on same genre and will try to find if there is any similarities or faults basically their work is find the fault in every second thing they get in their life that’s why their real life sucks big time, no question, let them keep one side who cares,
But the thing is that after doing this shit these people will not get satisfied they will collect the pics from net (let’s take example of batman begins poster and Ra.One Poster) and after doing Photoshop they will put this on their facebook wall (for example a post on pinkvilla) or twitter to show the world that hey see what a great work I have done, see this and that. That’s it. But in really while they are posting these things on facebook or twitter or on any other medium they are saying to their friends and follower that hey look I don’t have any other work to do , my life sucks big time, I cannot see anyone doing something new and creative because I am a dumb and lifeless, this is what only I can do.
That is the story of these people, but we have an answer to every one of these low life people who are saying bad thing about Ra.One latest poster saying it is copied from some Hollywood movie.
Well before we show reality to those people let us clear few things to them, as Ra.One is a super hero genre movie and that is too from the India itself and is the biggest one in terms of everything from India, every super hero genre movies have some similarities ,this thing every common & every normal person knows, every super hero have special powers they can flay, they have special powers and many more things, all these things are called creative while putting them on screen or on poster , in this process of creativity there are few things those can have similar look or feel so what is the big deal in it ? You can’t say it that it is copied from Hollywood right.
If still those people think that its copied from Hollywood let us give you the answer for it, if these people think that Ra.One poster is copied from Hollywood movie batman just because G.One is standing with Kareena in his arms in the poster and in batman begins is the same, than these people just 2Rs , it’s a kind of classic superhero pose which is being used by many Hollywood movies before but I don’t think in Hollywood they had some problem with it or I don’t think there people were saying oh this batman pose is copied form fla fla movie, no, literally there people have better knowledge of Art and creativity , they respect the creativity of their artists and encourage them to do more creative work rather than bullying them.
For the information of these people there are many super heros movies and comic super heros with the same pose which batman begins having and now Ra.One is having , have a look at the below image hope this will open the eyes and mind of these faceless people…
If above image did not opened mind and eyes , Well if this was the case with the people there in Hollywood than people there would have said nolan copied the BATMAN begins poster from the Veer – Zara an SRK movie itself!!! Look at the below picture with open eyes and Veer-Zara was released in 2004 and Batman Begins in 2005 and please don’t say Veer-Zara poster is copied form batman begins if these people have little brain..
See according to these people who we are posting shit about Ra.One poster, the poster of batman begins is copied from Veer-Zara !!! now what will you say ?? No words right? Why didn’t these people came up with this before its clearly showing that batman begins is copied from veer-zara ( according to these people) We tell you what these have made an opinion that only Hollywood people can make stuffs like batman, spiderman bollywood cannot make , and they are sick of this kind of mentality , every time they will come up with their mentality rather than supporting and encouraging the creativity of their own people , own films . they will make the song DK Bose national anthem and will say that its creativity ( off course in art everything is creative but constructive and destructive are two forms) but while a man from bollywood trying bring a new genre in the industry these morons are ready with their foolish things , we think this is going too long, we hope these people will learn the lesson from it and will use their mind in constructive way in their life and let the creative people do their work,
If still these kind of people don’t get their mind in the right place, so let them bark because we know they are only few unlucky people, living a poor mental life. God bless them.
And guys you know what few of them will still say after watching that Veer – Zara copied the pose from batman ;) dumb people…
~~Long Live Shahrukh Khan
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