MY NAME IS waad i am from saudi arabia
i am 20 yers old
i want the whole world to know about me
and about my love story
my love the king khan
I know I will not have any chance to meet srk
because of Special problems
any way
The only chance thaa I have is to share with you my story
I hope with all my heart to give me the chance to
I hope srk see how much I love him
One day I was very SAD I DON'T NOW WHY ???
And I decided to watch TV
Then I saw that they will now put A Hindi film
I did not know is the hero of the film and what is the name of the film
I decided to wait to watch the film
I have known the name of the film
it is
Shah Rukh Khan in the movie was great
I do not have any words to talk about Shah Rukh Khan in this film
Really king of romance
Since that time, since that moment since that day
And I am one of the biggest fans and lovers of the king Shah Rukh Khan
I'm not kidding
Since that day, looking every moment for HIS NEWS
When he entered the twitter I followed HIM quickly
Twitter has been the only way to communicate with him
It was a beautiful days
When he gives us ten minutes to ask you questions
I sent him hundreds of questions
ON 28 apr 2010 i was very very very lucky
becuse in this day
answered my question.
But when Shah Rukh Khan decided to leave us & leave the twitter
I was shocked 
he was very happy with us & we were very very happy with him
When I knew that he would leave us then I cried non-stop
Everyone asked me why are you crying but I do not answer to anyone because I can not speak because I was shocked
any why
I am so happy because he come back to us
If Shah Rukh Khan will read my words I want to tell him
" srk my name is waad & i love you so so so much
and i want to tell you we want you come back to us
in twitter as before i know you
face a lot of people who did not respect you and your family
But there is a lot of people love you & love your family 
now i am not sleep very well & don't eat very well because
I am as a person in the camping on Twitter
Because I'm afraid srk enter the twitter without seeing him
I have learned some of the Hindi language to understand him when he speaks 
I want to tell srk this
" srk i love more than my life you are my heart you are my soul you are my whole life "
i hope srk read my story & i hope he know how much i love him
i am on twitter @waa3d & on faecbook waad khan
thank you evry one to give us this chance & i hope you choose my story
~~Long Live Shahrukh Khan
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