Introducing: Little G.One!

Even though Ra.One will only see the light of day on Diwali in October, promotions of the film have already begun. Shah Rukh Khan is doing everything he possibly can to introduce G.One in a superhero manner

And after having launched the theatrical trailer only 3 weeks ago, SRK has now introduced the animated G.One on Twitter. The little G.One looks very cute

The animated character will be part of all the merchandise of Ra.One. SRK tweets: “One of the little made by the graphics team at for the website and merchandise etc. hope all the goodies get made fast and launched. little says a computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me in kick boxing!!”
The King Khan also posted a picture of Kareena and him on the sets of Ra.One. “finished the last few bits and pieces of with kareena. want to thank her for working so hard and fast…she was such a sport. hope we havent tanned her too much in the hot sun.”

Thanks- Article by Charla Manohar

~~Long Live Shahrukh Khan
