'Ra.One' is progressing 24X7

It is a known fact that 'Ra. One' requires extensive post production as it is pretty heavy on VFX. So much so that quite a lot of outsourcing has happened to various companies that are located not just in USA and India but also London, Paris, China and Bangkok.
"Though Shahrukh has an in-house VFX division in his production house, he is not relying on that alone to get all the results. In fact when most films would be content to have just one company, whether in India or abroad, to work on the visual effects, 'Ra. One' has gone much beyond", informs a source close to the actor.
No wonder, film's director Anubhav Sinha is still trying to adjust himself to an all-day job where he is required to work with technicians from countries spread all across the time zones.
"While first half of my day goes onto editing and visuals effects, second half has me working on the background score," says Anubhav, "Then in the night I have online meetings with people in America and Europe. The film's post production is a different challenge by itself. I am pretty much on the job 24X7. The day I take some rest, it comes on a premium."
