Extreme PASSION for Ra.One - Anubhav Sinha

Extreme PASSION for Ra.One - Anubhav Sinha

Anubhav Sinha
Anubhav Sinha on the sets of Ra.One.

Anubhav Sinha, who started off his career with the small screen and later directed films like Tum Bin and Cash, is now helming Ra. One, the most expensive Hindi movie ever made. He talks about how he bagged the super-hero project and more.

How does it feel to be at the helm of the most expensive Hindi film?
I am nervous. The nervousness is more because I am working with a credible star who has an image to live up to. The fact that it will be Shah Rukh Khan’s first release after a year and a half also adds to the pressure. But the joy is more because Shah Rukh does not let it affect me. He has always been optimistic about the film.

Was it easy to get Shah Rukh on board?
I didn’t know Shah Rukh at all when I set out with my idea in hand. But I messaged him one day and he called me over for a narration. I had conceived Ra.One’s story while watching an ad. He heard out the three page narration and asked me ‘when’. I guess I got lucky. He was aware that I was not coming from great experience. But since I had a technical background I was not scared of using new techniques that the film demanded.

How is Shah Rukh as a producer?
If I asked him for a 1000sq ft set he gave me 3000sq ft. Most of the time I had six to eight cameras on the set, and it was the first time that I had a van to myself. He spoilt me thoroughly (Laughs).

How do you react to reports that say Ra.One is similar to Rajnikanth’s Robot?
See, the creative verdict on a film comes out only when the movie releases, so right now it’s mere speculation. All I want to tell the reporters is to spell my name correctly and use a good picture when they report anything (Laughs). Seriously, I don’t have the time and energy to address anyone. They will see what the film is all about when it releases.

What is the present status of the film?
Oh, there is a lot going on. The background score has to be finalised, the trailers, special effects, corrections etc are being worked on.

The production director, stunt director, editor, assistant directors are from Hollywood. How do you coordinate work with so many foreign technicians?
It’s all thanks to video conferencing! If any change has to be made I have to inform about 200 people in Hong Kong, China, Thailand and the US. All of us set up a time when we look at the same clip. I move the cursor to a clip and then we discuss it. I also exchange about 40 mails with them everyday.

What was the most difficult scene to shoot in the film?
It’s one of the most expensive scenes, where we blow up 30 odd cars. I had the sequence in mind for almost a month and a half, before I gathered courage to narrate it to Shah Rukh because I knew it would cost a bomb and would be difficult to achieve. I quickly gave him a demo standing and gesticulating with my hands. He gave his go-ahead in less than a minute.

And what was the easiest?
Filming ‘the end’, I guess!

Why did you cast Kareena Kapoor as the female lead?
Because Kareena looks extremely sexy in a saree! Sorry, she looks sexy in anything. She is the most chilled-out actress. There is no tension at all on the sets with her because she is either giving her shot or she is busy texting on her Blackberry!

Is there anything that you would like to change in the film?
I would like to add something. There is a background track in the film but I want to shoot the video with Shah Rukh.

What would you like to do once the film is over?
The last five years have been crazy. So much has happened ever since Shah Rukh has said yes. I am very exhausted and at times I dream of going off on my own and shutting myself away from the world. I did that some time back when I went to Goa for four days. Not only me but everyone is exhausted. Shah Rukh, especially, is tired because he has been working without Bobby Bedi, his right hand man.

What about the film Extreme City that you are supposed to make with Shah Rukh Khan?
The story of Extreme City was narrated to me by its author Paul Schrader. I liked it so much that I told him to go ahead and develop it and assured him that I would fund the development.

I own the script but the movie will be directed by Paul. I have never discussed the film with Shah Rukh. I know there were a lot of reports of him acting in it. For two days even Aamir Khan was supposed to be doing it!

Is that the next project you will be doing?
I might produce it but I’m not sure if I will direct it. I have funded five other scripts besides Extreme City and I could be directing any one of them. I have been approached to direct two Hollywood projects also. My mind will only be clear once Ra.One is over!

So what do you think the audience will take away from Ra.One?
There are a lot of special effects and stunning action scenes but what the audience will take back home is the story. It is a great father-son story.

Source: Hindustan Times [ http://www.indianexpress.com/news/extreme-passion/748045/1 ]
