You TagLines for Ra.One/G.One !!!

Well friends We had asked you via our fanclub on twitter RaOneFanClub to give us your Tag Lines for Ra.One/G.One as Mr. Khan had asked us to help him in getting a perfect tag line for Ra.One/G.One. And we had asked you to write us :) in between these few days we have got many interesting tag lines for #RaOne. All of them We are putting here for all to read and give pick your best one :) And yes as we said we will send these tag lines to #SRK :) but be carefull its upto Mr.Khan if he likes these or not ? if select or not :) lets hope for the best and wish He select from some of following - -
  • jab jiwan jit jaye to durga ma ki boron hone chahiye. because honosty is the most powerful game. ( via @tulidas)
  • G.One – charged with +tive NRG & activated to break the evil’s circuit" :-)   (via @missworkaholic)
  • it is not just a game, is a life that you would love to play" (via @Beeros75 )
  • The game is about to start the G.One only wears a heart (via @Beeros75)
  •  "With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility"(via @chandu28in)
  • Some Legends are for Real" (via @chandu28in)
  • time has come to put an end to the evil,he is this end the brave heart (via @egkinglover)
  • action relaunches! Or shock ur game (via @virajssk)
  • the thundervolt (via @skptwits)
  • 1.'Good is a circuit--only evil is random. 2.'Good happens. R. U. ready for it?'   (via @breakfreeofbox )
  • Ra One (the evil force)......... (via @anish_mbbs)
  • G.One - The KNIGHT RIDER ( via @iamthesandeep)
--Love SRK-
