SRK gives Anubhav A birthday party | Welcome New Members To Family

Well first of all I would like to welcome all the new family members in @RaOneFanClub on twitter who have joined us recently. Thanks for joining us guys. it means a lot to us...and to raone.. I hope we are going to become one of the most succesfull fanclub on twitter and ye most successfull movie ever The RaOne :)

(photo: its akon welcome event in mumbai,from left - SRK, Akon, kareena & Anubhav Sinha )

Okey lets come to the point ... a day before it was the birthday of Anubhav sinha aka director of RaOne :) .. according to his tweets SRK gives a big party on his birthday wich he thanks to everyone on this twitter a/c like..

"anubhavsinha Thanks @iamsrk for the wndrful party. No one organizes like Karim Morani does. Need I say that?He is so wonderful. Thanks to every1 who came"

and We know these kind of parties and sharing always increase the mutual understanding betweetn people wich is always good for RaOne
Well thats SRK who is known for giving parties :) super parties.. We are sure more bigger parties are waiting for them in comming days :)

---Love SRK--
