Ra.One fever grips the Nation!!

MYSORE: Ra.One fever seems to have gripped cinema buffs in the city also. The much-anticipated Shah Rukh Khan starred Ra.One film has also pepped up Diwali celebrations.

Booking has been full in most theatres, including the multiplex. Whenever biggies get released, use of technology in the Indian cinema has become the most debated topic among cinema buffs.
A techie from Wipro, Suhas Chandran says: "The use of technology in the Indian cinema has made even Hollywood turn to Bollywood, which indicates we have improved a lot in the technical aspects of the cinema. Use of improved technology augurs well for the industry. Now we have 3D and may have 4D in the near future. This technology takes audience very close to reality," he said. Earlier, even small stunts needed lot takes, but now the scenario has seen a sea of change, with improvised technology, he said.

But for Vikram Kuttappa, who is one of the co-coordinating officers at one of the telephone company, technology in Indian cinema is yet to satisfy the audience. "Animation or any modern technology looks pathetic in Indian cinema, we can clearly make out what is fake. It is still needs to improve a lot with the inventions of new software. But I am eagerly waiting to watch Ra.One which has some modern animation," he said.

Speaking to The Times of India, one of the directors of the multiplex, Pramod Varshamurthy said: "The crowd is good, we have been getting people from all walks of life. Booking is on in full swing. All tickets have been sold out till tomorrow. We have to see how it goes on in next week," he said.

"I waited for two hours to get a ticket for tomorrow but had to return with an empty hand," said a disappointed cinema-goer, Ajay Rao.

A gamer Roshan Ghouse said: "With the updated version of modern technology Bollywood is reaching the heights of Hollywood. The animation has attracted even senior citizens to the cinema halls which is good, from the revenue point of view," he says.

Report via TOI

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