A sneak peek into the world of G.One before Ra.One & After Ra.One!!

Few days back we shared an article having 9 Reasons Why Ra.One will rock at the box office and that article got hilarious response from all over the world for your information that article has been read by more than 14,000 people , shared on facebook by more than 1600 people, shared on twitter by more than 100 people , in short the conclusion is the response for Ra.One on  26th October 2011 is going to be HUGE never seen before in Inida as well as abroad.

But did you notice one thing when you were reading that article? Why it was not titled as 10 Reasons why Ra.One…. We tell you it has only 9 reasons in article, 10th or you can say 1st reason for a bumper opening at the box office is “Ra.One” itself , you got it right ?  didn’t? hmm yes Ra.One is the name jisko marna namumkin hain… You all are now very much familiar with G.One aka ShahRukh Khan , G.One can fly, G.One can produce electricity to fight with gundas, G.One can do many things you are familiar with now & will keep becoming in coming days.

But do you know who is G.One? Why he is running across? And many those similar questions coming in your mind? And the answer for all these questions is “Ra.One” , “Ra.One” is the only reason why “G.One” exists in the movie.

Yes “Ra.One” is the name of a game character ( bad ) like in every game there is a big boss with all the dangerous powers, it is almost difficult to kill that gunda in the game , well as long as this bad man is inside your computer its fine, your home, your life , your world is happy and safe, you might be in search of the trick by which you can kill that bad man in your video game, but at the end of the day it’s a game so all is good, but just imagine one day you find it that the bad man you are fighting with in your video game has come out of the video game in real than what ? ? ?

G.One aka Good One
Your life is going to change what will happen to you? To your family? To the people around you? You can imagine it, life will be sad , but that is how It can go…
You are helpless, that bad guy will start destroying everything around you but remember as they says whenever there is a bad power ruling, A good power will come and destroy the bad power, that is how G.One aka Good.One will come to save you and your world from Ra.One. Oh this Ra.One is a very bad guy and we don’t want to give out more about him, you can get scared of hmmm We don’t want it right now at least..

So the basic idea about the above exercise is that “Ra.One” is the name of a bad guy in the movie and the movie is named on his name itself – Ra.One. Now few of you will be wondering G.One is ShahRukh Khan than Who is Ra.One in the movie? So for your information Arjun Rampal is Ra.One in the movie but wait!!!have you seen a single photo of “Ra.One” from the movie till date ? we are sure you  have not. We also have not seen it , even no one has seen it , it is everywhere , just try to look around , bad powers have no faces, no colors, nothing they are just bad powers , you  can only see them once you are near to these bad powers, only than you can see, similarly the “Ra.One” is also a bad man with all the possible dangerous powers with him, so its better to keep a distance from him till you are near or in the month of movie release than you are going to see the bad man aka Ra.One , till than you can only imagine how Ra.One looks like.

Coming back to the movie as of now the curiosity to see the first look of Ra.One aka Arjun Rampal is on high and you can see people talking around where is the Ra.One?
So its better for us wait and watch when the bad man comes out and we are sure it will come out very soon ,so all the best good people out there !! oh don’t worry G.One is already out there , you don’t worry G.One will take Ra.One on 26th of OCT 2011.

Article by Negi

~~Long Live Shahrukh Khan
