A one-of-a-kind Ra.One experience!

 You know you are in for a cinematic treat when it comes to Shahrukh Khan and Ra.One is definitely the biggest treat on offer! After having launched the G.One Store, a unique film merchandising online store and to be the first superhero movie to be turned into a digital comic book series, Ra.One movie's collaboration with YouTube has definitely taken the movie to the Next Level.

As part of this collaboration, Shahrukh Khan can be seen in an interactive avatar, explaining to the viewers the powers of his superhero character in the movie, G.One and how he faces his virtual enemies. The animation and interactivity involved is a unique experience for all Bollywood lovers and the response this Ra.One YouTube gadget has garnered certainly proves this point. Shahrukh Khan lets viewers take a closer look at his H.A.R.T. literally by throwing it out for everyone to catch hold of; he also flies across the screen fighting off virtual evils as he explains G.One's powers through a virtual demo.

Well, this is surely how a REAL superhero does it!

Courtesy- RaOne Blog

~~Long Live Shahrukh Khan
