The Journey To 5K family members of our #RaOne on twitter - " Thank you everybuddy"

When we made this portal "RaOneFanClub" on twitter to support the movie "Ra.One" and The Hero "ShahRukh Khan" we were confident about the support and love Ra.One and SRK will get from the all over the world and you all RaOneFamily members have proved it :)

A very BIG thank you to everybuddy who have joined and supported us on Http:// and have given RaOne and SRK lots of Love and Support. We are thrilled and happy with the support we have got for RaOne and SRK, we hope and we are sure We will keep getting this support for many years to come :)

Thank you all 5K members of our RaOne Team on twitter.... more power to you guys and way to go... :)

--Love SRK---
